Saturday, September 1, 2012

Facing my Fears

I did it!  I faced one of my biggest fears here in India.  I used the squatty potty.

With us leaving the house for most of the day tomorrow it's important to remind myself that no matter what kind of toilet I face I'm brave enough.  Some of you may not realize how many things are different here. Even the toilets are different.  They call the ones we have in the US western toilets, and many homes and places have what are referred to by some as squatty potties.  A squatty potty is a hole in the floor basically.  In order to use it you have to squat over it.  Naveen's parents have one of each, so normally I don't have to worry too much about it unless we're out of the house.

When we first got here we took the train from the airport to Naveen's parents' home.  It was a 5 hour ride.  I really try to avoid using the bathrooms on the trains but one can only hold it so long.  I eventually had to seek out the bathroom.  I walked through the train car and and went in between the cars where the bathrooms are located.  I opened a door only to find the potty I dreaded most.  It was okay though because there was another bathroom across from it.  I opened the door only to find the same scene.  Two guys standing by the doorway waiting for the train to come to their stop just watched me.  I'm sure they were thinking how strange this white girl was going back and forth looking into the bathrooms and shutting the door looking terrified.  What is in those bathrooms?  I knew there must be some western style toilets somewhere, but it seemed too much to look.  I was there, so I decided to suck it up and try it.  I did, and I did it successfully!

What an accomplishment! Don't you think?  I looked my fear right in the eye and stared it down.  So tomorrow come Western or Squatty I'm ready.  At least I think.  There may have been a big possibility of beginners luck on the train.   


  1. Haha yikeseria is all I have to say :) I know that you guys brought TP with you but are you using the correct hand while eating? ;) that would hard to remember

  2. Well since I am left handed.and the left.hand is a no no I do tend to forget you're only supposed to do certain things withit. For example the other day we went to someone's house. It's tradition for them to put red powder on the visitors forehead, and the visitor does it back. I used my left hand when applying the powder and think it might have been wrong. They were just so impressed that I knew to put it on them in return that it wasn't a big deal.
